When it comes to measuring progress with our health and fitness goals more often than not we only focus on the scales. While the numbers on the scales do offer some indication of progress, it isn’t always the best and certainly isn’t the only way to measure progress. The scale will only tell you if […]
This workout is a follow on from my last post where I spoke about the benefits of strength training for building lean muscles and developing great abs (you can see that post here). In keeping with what I was saying in the previous post, this workout is a full body workout that will help develop strength, […]
Six Pack. Eight Pack. Ripped Abs. Shredded Midsection. Washboard Stomach. However you want to describe it, there’s no doubt that a firm, tight midsection is something we would all love to have. Great abs are one body part that both men and women not only desire to have themselves, but find attractive in the opposite […]
How many of you exercise on a regular basis, eat pretty healthy yet just can’t seem to make any significant change to your body? This is a very common problem, and often major concern when you really feel your are doing your best. So why can’t you get that flat stomach, those six pack abs, […]
We are instinctively drawn to sweet tasting foods. Sweet foods let us know that they contain a quick energy source. But in nature sugar is rare, and is always accompanied by a higher proportion of fiber to slow it’s release. Think of sugar cane. It obviously contains a lot of sugar, but it has so […]
I’ve talked about HIIT and circuit training a couple of times as I think they are excellent methods for building a lean, fit body and shedding fat. I currently use both of these forms of exercise in my own training and find them to be extremely effective and versatile. What I want to talk about […]