Sports Performance

Stability Ball – Effective, Efficient & FUN!

Posted by on February 29, 2012 at 9:45 pm

Invented in 1963, the stability ball was originally developed as a toy for children. Soon after, physiotherapist began using them as a rehabilitation tool. Today they can be found in most gyms and fitness facilities, in the home and even in the office. For good reason, the stability ball offers many benefits regardless of your […]

What Should You Eat Before And After Working Out?

Posted by on November 4, 2010 at 1:45 pm

If you have been exercising consistently for any period of time, you have most likely wondered at some point about what you should be eating before and after your workout or training. While the answer will vary somewhat from one person to the next, I’m going to lay out some basic guidelines that should help […]